I have no ldd executable.

I installed slink onto a tabula rasa i386 PC a few days ago, using
3.5" floppies for the base system. Once I'd installed the base, I did
an `apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade`. What I didn't realize, or think
to look for, is that the slink base install included an
/etc/apt/sources.list file that pointed at stable. (!!!)

So I updated it to point at slink and did an `apt-get update ; apt-get
-f dist-upgrade`. That seemed to work fine, but there were a few
packages missing files, for instance telnet was installed, but there
was no telnet executable. The command `apt-get check` showed no
discrepancies, so instead I did `dpkg --purge telnet ; apt-get install
telnet`. That worked.

So yesterday I tried to run ldd, and it's not there. As near as I can
tell it should be in ldso or libc6 (based on info from dpkg, the
#debian irc bot):

  > !search ldd
  <dpkg> potstickr: behold, ldd is in this package: base/libc6,base/ldso

But neither of those packages, as installed on my system, contain ldd:

  $ dpkg -L ldso libc6 | grep -i ldd

All packages on the system are current. Debian won't let you uninstall
either libc6 or ldso - for good reason. So what do I do? Can I somehow
re-run the postinst script for one of them and fix the problem, or
will that dork things?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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