On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, John Cuson wrote:

> last week i started working on printing to a networked printer that uses
> an hp jetdirect card.  i can get the print jobs to the printer, but the
> output is not appropriately formatted.  when i simply lpr a test file,
> it appears that i am not getting line feeds...the first line of text is
> printed, but is never wrapped.  when i try to print a man page by piping
> the output to lpr as suggested in the printing usage howto i get blank
> pages, though if i remove the intervening pipe to the col program i do
> get one character at the far right margin of the page.  here are the
> relevant lines from /etc/printcap: 
> i've looked around in the faqs and
> howto's, the 2nd edition of running linux, and the various docs for this
> distribution (debian), but i'm not finding anything that seems directly
> pertinent.  does anyone have any suggestions? 

Section 11.5


+---                                                              ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://bhmit1.home.ml.org/ |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|               an actual message is purely accidental.              |

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