>> a) It's closer to the natural language than C and, of course, C++, and
>> of us think in our own natural language (english, spanish, french,
>> etc...) and this is the first language we use when we develope a program.
>This can also be a disadvantage, because programming _is_ much unlike
>natural language.
Yes, natural language is quite far from the code of a programm but the first
algorithms that one must develope for a programm are much like cooking
recipes in natural language. Is there someone out there thinking in C or

>organization than C or Pascal. Procedural programming is more structured
>than BASIC, but OO programming is much more structured than procedural
Pascal itself is an OOP language, in a way. Any pascal unit is almost and
object. But if you want learning OOP just get a Pascal package with objects
like Borland Pascal 7.0 for DOS. To declare an object in Pascal you must use
the reserved word 'OBJECT'; more clear water.

>> Learn C is not necessary the way to understand linux. To understand linux
>> you must know how to programm devices like controllers, video cards,
>> cards, etc..., and programm devices is something that you can do with
>> also.
>This I agree with. However, reading C code written by experts requries some
>understanding of C on its own.
>You can start with any language. For a complete beginner, I would advocate
>Scheme. Even if you don't want to do big projects in Scheme, you can start
>very fast. A good book on programming (using Scheme) is Structure and
>Interpretation of Computer Programs, Abelson/Sussman.
I can't say anything about Scheme because I don't know it. I'll put an eye
on it and then I'll tell you what I think.

>"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger
>Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        for public  PGP
>http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/       PGP Key ID
Antonio A. Rivas    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        STARTEG Project - Oviedo
'Even God discuss with the devil on the details'


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