
I'm using fetchmail to collect the eMail for our domain,
occasionally I get an error message from cron Daemon:
"another foreground fetchmail is running" and have
to kill fetchmail manually.

Any Idea ?

Andreas Rapp

crontab (user ar)
17,47 8-20 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/fetchmail -s


poll pop.provider.de protocol POP3 envelope Envelope-to: localdomains
mydomain.de; user myusername password xyz to ar *       

$ fetchmail -V
This is fetchmail release 3.8 pl 0
Taking options from command line and /home/ar/.fetchmailrc
Options for retrieving from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Protocol is POP3.
  Server nonresponse timeout is 300 seconds (default).
  Local domains: mydomain.de
  All messages will be retrieved (--all on).
  Fetched messages will not be kept on the server (--keep off).
  Old messages will not be flushed before message retrieval (--flush
  Rewrite of server-local addresses is enabled (--norewrite off).
  Carriage-return stripping is disabled (--stripcr off).
  Messages will be SMTP-forwarded to: myhost
  1 local name(s) recognized (by default).
  DNS lookup for multidrop addresses is enabled.
  No UIDs saved from this host.

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