On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 07:41:56PM +0100, Daniel González Gasull wrote:
> I have a potato i486 DX2 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM running
> X with Linux Debian 2.0.  Which desktop manager for X
> Window may/must I use?

You mean "desktop environment", or window manager?

A window manager is the thing that puts borders and titles on your windows
and lets you move them around, resize them, iconify them, etc.  Most (all?)
also have pop-up menus that can be used to launch other applications if
properly configured.

A desktop environment is much more complicated thing with a really blue-sky
definition.  It does nifty things like let you drag and drop between
different applications and more complcated stuff.  KDE and GNOME are two
prominent examples.  You may not get satisfying performance out of either
of them on an old 486.  But I really can't say since I don't use either

Assuming you mean window manager, well, there's always the old standby twm,
but it's not very featureful and doesn't even support the Debian menuing
system properly (yet).

fvwm and fvwm2 are a couple of very popular alternatives based on twm,
but are more featureful. fvwm (version 1) was designed to not hog too
many system resources.  I used it happily for a couple of years; I now
use fvwm2.

There are lots and lots of window managers out there.  Your best bet is
probably to experiment.

G. Branden Robinson              |      What influenced me to atheism was
Debian GNU/Linux                 |      reading the Bible cover to cover.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |      Twice.
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |      -- J. Michael Straczynski

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