
I am sending you how I am installing Debian.
Maybe with a little more information you can help me.
What I am doing is:

(1) Boot from the CD-ROM
(2) I choose "color"
(3) I choose the "US Keyboard"
(4) Initialize and activate a swap partition (my HD has two partitions)
(5) Initialize a Linux partition
(6) Install operating system kernel and modules, from CD-ROM drive (/dev/hdd
(7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules: cdrom,
lp and serial)
(8) Configure the network (hostname "debian", then "no")
(9) Install the base system
(10) Configure the base system (timezone, country...)
(11) Make linux bootable directly from HD
(12) Make a boot floppy
(13) Reboot the system (using HD)
(14) Choose password for root
(15) Create a normal user account
(16) Enable shadow passwords
(17) Remove the PCMCIA packages
(18) Said no to PPP connection to install the system
(19) Kind of installation: work_sci
(20) In dselect, I choose [A]ccess, CD-ROM, block device name: /dev/hdd
Then I get the error message:

mount: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel
unable to mount /dev/hdd on /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt, type iso9660

Why this?
I was using the CD-ROM to install Debian and now he does not recognizes it

What can I do to install the packages?

Thank you,
Cristiano Viana

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