        First of all, thanks a lot to all who replies to my e-mail
about configuring a POP3 client. Problems have arisen, though :)

        Now, I get my e-mail with fetchmail --daemon, and the outgoing 
e-mail gets delivered by smail. I've got mutt set up to say that my
e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], instead of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (which would be the correct e-mail if
directed to port 25 in my computer). However, and only on mail being
delivered to @sheffield.ac.uk,  I get a 550 smtp transport error, 
because  there's no such local user as [EMAIL PROTECTED] It
seems that my configuration is mixing the two addresses up.

        Can anyone help? I'd be glad to provide any files.


Jose L Gomez Dans
                                        Radar & Communications Group
                                        Department of Electronic Engineering
                                        University of Sheffield UK

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