Ossama Othman wrote:
> I wanted to thank Robert Woodcock and everyone who helped me (sorry, I
> don't recall their names :( ) for helping me figure out how to boot my
> Dell PowerEdge Server 6300.  I am now the proud user (not owner, I wish!
> :) of a Quad-CPU Xeon Dell system with a gig (960MB with linux lim) of
> memory running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (potato).  Now if I could just get the
> rest of my colleagues to switch to Debian. :p

Just out of curiosity, how long does it take to compile a kernel on this
sucker?  (For maximum performance, use the "-j" compiler option.)

> The system is _smooth_ and stable!  Thanks again for the help and for a
> great OS!

Btw., are you running a 2.0 or a 2.2 kernel?  The 2.2 kernel should give a
substantial speed increase, esp. on multiprocessor system.  In case you
haven't noticed, kernel 2.2.0 was released less than 12 hours ago.
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