Brant Wells ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote...
> Check in your bios settings or your IO Board (Mouse/Printer, etc) to
> make sure that the LPT1 is set to address 378.

It is.
> BTW--What version of Debian are you running?  (2.0R1 has the
> ZipDrive Support built in)...

I've got apt pointed at 'unstable', whatever that currently is.

I'm rolling my own kernel from the 2.0.36 kernel sources, with all the
scsi/iomega and printer stuff built as modules, and the kernel daemon
stuff compiled in so I don't need to load/unload things by hand.


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--

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