On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 04:43:25AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
| On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 12:50:43PM +0100, Wim De Smet wrote:
| > Well, I always thought stuff like gnome et al. sent their sounds to a
| > sound deamon such as esd? (to go "bong" at approximately the right time
| > if you click a button etc.)

Yes.  The "sound daemon" design is a result of the OSS sound drivers
limiting access to a single process.  If you want more than one
process playing sounds (say xmms with music and something else with
sound effects) you need a separate process ('esd' for gnome, 'arts'
for kde) to send the data to via a network socket and it will proxy it
to the hardware through the kernel driver.  The newer better solution
is ALSA (but I haven't tried it yet).

| I ran this past a coworker, he's convinced it's Enlightenment-specific
| stupidity,

It's not E-specific.  I don't use E yet I have the same situation.
'esd' is, as noted above, GNOME's solution to the OSS limitation.  The
KDE people came up with a more-or-less identical solution called

| and only if you want it to be making noise.  Most every other
| program I've seen works only with the kernel-supplied sound, since
| that's about the only thing you can gaurantee people expecting to
| get sound to have.

True.  You can kill/disable esd (Look in the gnome control panel under
"startup") and nothing will fail to work.  You'll only lose the sounds
that GNOME apps may generate.  Whether or not that's a loss is up to
you :-).

| Though I'm not sure why xmms would conflict with esd all the sudden.
| I installed it once to find out what it was about and I didn't get any
| bitching back about conflicting packages.  Heck, XMMS has an output
| plugin for esd.

If you configure xmms to use esd for output, instead of oss, there
won't be a problem.

Oh, you mean package conflicts.  Hmm, I don't see any conflict here.


A)bort, R)etry, D)o it right this time

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