"Michelle Coelho" wrote:
  >O.K..I can't seem to connect to my ISP, so everyone's telling me to use
  >minicom. Fine. So I downloaded minicom*.deb DIRECTLY on floppy (Was I
  >supposed to rawrite it?)..O.K so I specified 'floppy' as the access method
  >in dselect, then the drive as A, and msdos as the drive format. Then dselect
  >responded saying:
  >Insert a disk containing a Packages file, or type q to quit.
dselect is intended for selecting packages from an entire distribution

  >So I tried: dpkg -i /dev/fd0/minicom*.deb, and dpkg replied saying:

/dev/fd0 is a raw disk device; all you can do with it is read or write
a stream of raw sector data.  You need to mount the filesystem on it,
like this:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt

The files on the floppy are now visible in the /mnt directory...

  >Could someone tell me how to install minicom and/or wvdial from floppy?


  >>> If it's not too much to ask..could you tell me step-wise how I should
  >>> install minicom.
  >>One step: dpkg -i minicom*.deb

... you can now do:

dpkg -i /mnt/minicom*.deb

(All the above must be done as superuser, of course.)

If the floppy disk is DOS formatted, rather than Win95 formatted, use 
`mount -t msdos' instead of `mount -t vfat'; in this case, the filename
may be wrong (limited to 8.3 characters) so use `ls /mnt' to see what it
actually is.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
               PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
     "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not."    
                            Proverbs 1:10 

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