On Sun, Jan 31, 1999 at 12:37:05PM -0800, Larry Fletcher wrote:
> Do these window managers allow you to cut&paste between windows?
> I had planned on just using the Bash shell for awhile, but am finding
> that it is inconvenient not having the ability to cut&paste from one
> console to another the way I could with DOS and DESQview.

You should be able to cut and paste within and between xterm or rxvt
windows (mark text with left and right buttons, paste with middle button
(emulated with both left and right at the same time)).  Even in text
consoles (without X) you should be able to cut and paste (mark with
left, paste with right) so long as gpm is running.  If gpm was run as
root (the usual way if Debian set it up) you can cut and paste across
consoles too.  Extra feature in X: try out xclipboard (part of the xbase
package in hamm).

- MikeT

Michael E. Touloumtzis          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ingres Product Development
Computer Associates International

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