I recompiled the kernel putting the Unix domain sockets directly IN the
kernel (not in a module) and it doesn't give me that error message
anymore.  Xwindows still doesn't work though and quits immediately after
starting just like there is no window manager.  I have Afterstep,
Enlightenment, and TWM installed, and have tried every path possible in
the "window-managers" file but to no avail.  Any more ideas.  Thanks.

> Did you include "Unix domain sockets" when you configured your 2.2.1
> kernel?  If not, you probably need to enable it and recompile.  It it's
> included as a module, you may need to add "alias net-pf-1 unix" to
> /etc/modutils/aliases, then run "update-modules" as root.
> > Question.  I recently upgraded my kernel from 2.0.36(I think) to 2.2.1.
> > I am running slink(frozen) and now, my x-windows doesn't work.  If I
> > reboot to my old kernel, it works again.  It fails with the messages:
> > X11Transocket open: socket() failed for local
> > X11Transocket openCOTSclient: Unable to open socket for local
> > X11TransOpen: transport failed for local /
> >
> > Am I missing something in my kernel or what?  Any ideas anyone?  I have
> > rerun xf86config to no avail.  Thanks.

--                                                      --
-- The dumber people think you are,                     --
-- the more suprised they will be when you kill them.   --
--                                                      --

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