
I have several machines behind a firewall.  Let's say they are named
cam1,cam2,cam3,cam4 with addresses 192.168.1.[2-5] with a firewall
machine at having 2 eth interfaces.  The firewall also
does ip masquerading.  I want to be able to send mail from the cam?
machines with the firewall machine acting as a smart host.  I tried
using the current slink sendmailconfig which asks for smart host and
masquerading etc.  The problem is that when these machines boot
sendmail insists on using dns to look up itself.  But is has no real
address so it takes a while to timeout.

So I tried following the directions and I have tried messing
with $j in sendmail.cf but it still does not work.

Can someone tell me what sendmail.mc should look like for
this configuration.  I suspect it is a common enough config.

thanks a million as usual,


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