I'm using Communicator 4.5 and have found when I resize the window using my 
then cancel the window, when I bring it back up the size is remembered.  You 
can also
set the size by typing in an xterm window or insert in a menu something along 
lines of,
netscape -geometry =100x120+0+0 &
Sorry I'm not in Linux right now because I'm having a modem problem that only 
can handle right now or I could provide better info.  the "+0+0" places the 
window in
the upper left part of the screen and the numbers =100x120 correspond to the 
width and
height or height and width can't remember:)  Usually you can just click on the
Netscape window border and hold, and a pop up will give you the geometry 
Hope this helps,

Tim Heuser wrote:

> Now that I've finally got netscape rinning in Linux, is there a way to
> resize the window?  some are not wide enough, and all go past the bottom
> of the screen.  Any ideas?
> Tim
> --
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