Just recently
Burned slink to CD and totally reinstalled and installed Kernel2.2.1 from
Johnie ingram.

Everything is pretty rockin stable

Well I think people are aware of the strange little Xsession bug.

However I use WindowMaker as my WM of choice, and I always remember that
when I first startx when windowmaker loads it will immediately start up an
xterm for me and it will load a fortune too.  It's not doing this now.

Also, can someone explain rxvt to me.  When I use and rxvt vi acts totally

Then I loaded Login.app and WDM which seemed pretty nice...

but now when I load up an xterm and if I try to run shutdown command or any
dpkg command, it acts like it can't find the  path???????

What is the deal here.

IN each user's shell should there be a .profile and a .bash_profile? Whats
the difference.

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