Ok, I figured as much on the blinking problem, but I've tried
different mouse configurations with no luck... I think that is my
problem with the sym links as well, but I don't know what permissions
I need to have for them ftp accessible?

And as for the ram, yes it counts up 98304K I believe on system boot,
and Winblows 98 sees it all, just booting linux only sees 64 Megs of it.

Richard Hall wrote:

> Just a few thoughts.  The blinking under X is probably related to the
> mouse configuration, not the refresh rate.  Regarding the sym links, do
> the files that you link to have the appropriate permissions to make them
> ftp accessible?
> Missing RAM is very strange.  I can only imagine that one of the chips is
> not seated properly in its slot.  When you first power up, does the
> machine count up 96M, or does it also stop at 64M then?
> Richard Hall
> Network Services
> University of Tennessee

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