> I've finally convinced 2.2.1 to run X and my network.  I still haven't 
> figured out why kerneld doesn't start anymore and do this automatically.
Take a look at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes
Kerneld isn't needed any more.   The kernel will auto-load modules
for you anyway - if /etc/conf.modules is set up correctly.

> But the sound doesn't work now.  the basic 
>  cat /usr/lib/exmh/clink.au > /dev/audio
> yields
>  bash: /dev/audio: Operation not supported by device
Looks like the kernel couldn't find a driver for that device.
> As near as I can tell all the needed modules are loaded:
> eyryttyp0:hawk>lsmod 
> Module                  Size  Used by
> uart401                 5588   0 
> sound                  54456   0  (autoclean) [uart401]
> soundcore               2084   3  (autoclean) [sound]
> serial                 16840   1  (autoclean)
> ne                      5964   1 
> 8390                    5944   0  [ne]
> It's a 16 bit soundblaster knockoff.  I must be missing something here. 
The "sb" driver isn't there, I assume you wanted to use the
soundblaster driver?    
> I changed the IRQ while configuring (which is now really awkward--in 
> xconfig, it is now necessary to turn all of the choices to Y rather than
> M to unlock the boxes).
You don't set IRQ etc. for modules.  It can't be done that way.
IRQ, ioaddress, and dma must be specified on the command line
when loading the driver, or in /etc/conf.modules.

Here is the sound part of my conf.modules:
alias sound pas2
alias char-major-14 pas2
options pas2 io=0x388 irq=10 dma=5

"pas2" is the driver for my proaudio spectrum 16.  Substitute
"sb" or whatever driver you need to use.  And set the correct
parameters for your card.  Soundblasters tend to use io=0x220,
irq=5 or 7, dma=1.  You may need to specify dma16 too.

Helge Hafting

> rick
> -- 
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