In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Only root can write to a vfat partition.  I suppose because vfat
>contains no extended attributes for security you cannot simply chmod on
>a file/directory to allow someone other than root to write to it.  Any
>work arounds to allow someone other than root to write to a vfat

I think this has already been answered recently? (maybe somewhere else...)

I created a group (addgroup --system graveyard) and set up /etc/fstab
like so:

/dev/hdc1 /graveyard vfat ro,gid=101,umask=2,nodev,noexec 0 2

So, all entries in /graveyard are in group "graveyeard"- users in
group "graveyard" can write to the drive, anyone else can just read
from it.

(I also finally commented this out in /etc/fstab and set up autofs to
automount /amnt/graveyard, but I don't think this has really gained me
anything except knowledge of how to set up autofs ;))

Life's been like dragging feet through sand
and never finding the promised land                            [queensrÿche]

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