At 07:19 PM 2/13/99 PST, J K wrote:
>Thanks to the people that helped me out with installation!
>Now I have a couple of questions about the basics of Linux.
>I just installed my system, and it works good, except for three things:
>        1. I can't mount the floppy drive.  Does anyone know how to do 
>this, or where I can find out how to?

mount /dev/fd0 /floppy

You must be root to mount/dismount

>        2. Is there a way to show only on screen at a time using ls 
>(like in DOS dir/p)?
>        3. I type "mount --help" and the help scrolls by so fast I

mount --help|more will help

if you have installed the man package, man mount or info mount will provide
lots of information.
>cannot read it.  How can I change this?  
>                                                          JAK
>                                            "Knowledge is power"      
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