I've got Slink and I'm trying to make aps filter and lpr work as a
team, but it's giving me some problems (that Slackware didn't give me,
oddly enough).

        I installed apsfilter and lpr from dselect.  I read the stuff for
apsfilter and found out it didn't have teh djc670 driver i used under
slackware, but that the djc550 works just as well for AIAP... in theory.

        Everything installs well enough, but when I print something using
lpr, ie:

        $ lpr received 

I get:

        lpr: connect: Connection refused
        jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.

a ps aux reveals:

        root      3516  0.0  0.3   788  332 ?        S    17:13   0:00 lpd
        root      3518  0.0  0.3   812  376 ?        S    17:13   0:00 lpd

two of them, as you can see.  so 
        kill -9 3516 and 3518


gives yet again:

        root      3604  0.0  0.3   788  332 ?        S    17:26   0:00 lpd
        root      3606  0.5  0.3   812  376 ?        S    17:26   0:00 lpd

I'm assuming this is part of the problem, but not the entirety.

        I've tried using LPRng and magicfilter with similar results.  I'm
telling it to use /dev/lp1 right now (but have used /dev/lp0 in the past
with similar results).


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