Havoc Pennington wrote:
> What's really needed for that is wxGnome and wxKDE, which don't exist;
> there's a reasonably large difference between a vanilla Gtk app and a
> full-blown Gnome-o-rific app. I hope the wxGtk guy will expand to 
> Gnome once Gnome is 1.0, and hopefully Roberto will provide KDE 
> support in wxQt.

I agree with this, wxGnome and wxKDE would be wonderful.  However,
I don't know if the "wxGtk guy" (Robert Roebling) is interested in
starting wxGnome.  He has stated that he does not want *any*
Gnome-specific code in wxGtk, so wxGnome would have to be a separate

> [...] Unlike most OO languages, C++ (by design) does 
> not provide any runtime information about objects.

C++ does have run-time type information, though it is generally
considered "poor style" to use it.  Almost all uses of RTTI can
(and should?) be replaced by virtual function calls.  Doing so,
though, implies (as your/my snipped comments discuss) that you aren't
going to get a very wrappable library.

So, using C++ the "right" way (as in Qt & wxWindows) means you'll have
a hard time creating a C interface.  (Which is pretty much what you
concluded, we just got there in different ways. :)

Plus, not too many compilers fully support RTTI yet.


PS: gnome-apt looks great!  Excellent job.

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