I have a deabian 2.0 and an ATI all-in-wonders pro AGP video card.
I took the xfree86 binaries and put them on my system, in order to
recognize my video card.
Super Probe said: First-video: super-vga
                Chipset: ATI 264GT3 (3D Rage III) (port probed)
                Memory: 8192Kbytes
                RAMDAC: ATI Mach64 integrated 15/16/24/32 -bit DAC w/clock
                (with 6-bits wide lookup tables(or in 6-bit mode))
                (programable for 6/6-bit wide lookup table)
                Attached graphics coprocessor:
                Chipset: ATI Mach64
                Memory: 8192kbytes
Monitor: Horzi. freq: 30-70khz continuous
         Vert. freq: 47-95 hz continous
         Bandwidth: 100MHz
         Rez: 1280x1023 non-interlaced.
I run the xf86config and configured it and I start the Xserver.
In the ld.so.conf the line /usr/X11R6/lib exists. Also the link
X to XF86_Mach64 server exists.
The X window starts but apear only the terminal window,in which you can
type everything, the mouse work, the server switch between resolution mode
(640x..., 800x..., 1024x...) but everything is in monochrome mode and the
specific menu for x window manager do not appear.
Could someone tell me what to do? I tried all I know.

                              \\  - -  //
                               (  @ @  )
*Bubulac Angela Tatiana - National Institute for R&D of Materials Physics*
* (System Administrator)  Bucuresti - Magurele P.O.B. MG-7               *
*                         Romania                                        *
*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |   phone :401-7806925/126           *
*        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |                                    *
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*                                   |   fax   :401-4231700               *
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