Jim Power hat gesagt: // Jim Power wrote:

> The following lines are thrown out during boot time:
> .
> Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
> Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
> .
> I wonder why and how to get rid of them. Anyone give me a hand, please? TIA.

The National Language Support in the kernel is not satisfied with the
modules you are trying to load. The FAT file systems now have an option with 
which you can set the codepage. I have in /etc/fstab the following:

/dev/hda1               /dos/c          vfat  umask=002,gid=35,codepage=850

This loads the 850 codepage used here in germany. Chack that you have the
right modules in /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/fs/ and if not either recompile 
your kernel and configure your preferred code pages or give the right codepage
option when mounting FAT partitions.

                                                     __    __
 Frank Barknecht           ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
                          / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\       
                         / /  / ____/  / /  / // ____// /\ \\  ___\\____ \      
                        /_/  /_____/  /_/  /_//_____// /  \ \\_____\\_____\
                                                    /_/    \_\ 

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