Hello Andrea,

The kernel sources list the following as possible addresses:

   { 0x340,     0 },    /* Standard configuration Sony Interface */
   { 0x1f88,    0 },    /* Fusion CD-16 */
   { 0x230,     0 },    /* SoundBlaster 16 card */
   { 0x360,     0 },    /* Secondary standard Sony Interface */
   { 0x320,     0 },    /* Secondary standard Sony Interface */
   { 0x330,     0 },    /* Secondary standard Sony Interface */
   { 0x634,     0 },    /* Sound FX SC400 */
   { 0x654,     0 },    /* Sound FX SC400 */

In my experience, I found it often at 0x330 or 0x300, or 0x2c0 (not
all of those are listed.)  If all else fails, try each of those and
see if you get it to work.  Hint: compile it as a module and specify
it on the command line so you don't have to compile and reboot so many

Andrea Novara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi to all!
> I have an old sony cdu33a 2x cd! The problem is that no docs are provided
> about which io_port I should use. The DOS driver don't tell me the values!
> The manifacturer of the audio card / controller have retired ( was Reveal )
> and all the hints in cdu31a.c don't work!
> I'm using kernel 2.2.1 on hamm.
> What can I do?
> Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
> Andrea
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