To find out which module it is run lsmod.  Then run rmmod MOD_NAME to
remove each module one by one.  When the network stops working run insmod
to install the last module that you removed.  After you have found the
module, run modconf and select that module under the network section.  It
will then be available when you boot.

On 24-Feb-99 Pollywog wrote:
> On 24-Feb-99 George Bonser wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Pollywog wrote:
>>> I can do:
>>> ifconfig eth0
>>> route add dev eth0
>>> but that only lets me ping the machine by hostname or localhost.
>>> I cannot ping the other machine.
>> THat is the problem! It only has a route to the one host! Try this:
>> route add -net netmask broadcast
>> Then try to ping them.
>> You need to add a route for the net not just the one address.
> I forgot to add a route for the net because I did not know it was
> necessary
> here.  It is working now even without that.  I could not start NFS (I am
> unfamiliar with how it is done in Debian because things are in different
> places) so I am using FTP.
> I wish I knew which network card module is working.  Probably ne2000
> since
> that is the first one I installed and I believe that is what I used with
> Caldera. 
> thanks
> --
> Andrew

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 23-Feb-99

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