I missed the first part of this thread, but was wondering... do you have
separate /home/ftp/bin and /home/ftp/lib/ and /home/ftp/etc directories?
You need those under /home/ftp/ because the ftpd automatically changes
the root directory to /home/ftp.  There should be a list somewhere in
the docs as to what files you need there.  Pay special attention to the
permissions on those directories and files.  Also, I've noticed that
updates to the wu-ftpd package occasionally re-copy the appropriate
programs and libraries, so that the correct versions are available for
anonymous ftp use under /home/ftp/.



On 02/24/99 at 14:56:50, Thomas Adams wrote concerning "Re: /home/ftp directory 
> On Wed, Feb 24, 1999 at 02:41:32PM +0100, Thomas Adams wrote:
> > It seems to be normal, it's on my Debian systems, too. I think if you follow
> > the ftpd manpage you can setup anonymous ftp access to your machine. Why it
> Sorry, I was wrong. I followed man ftpd to the letter but anon access
> doesn't work. You can log in, but ls doesn't work although ~ftp/pub is there
> and not empty.
> Can anybody help?

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