> I have tried several ways of istalling debian, I have formatted my disk
> with BIOS, with fdisk, with fips.  I am getting an error message that
> repeats its self:
> had: unexpected_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
> hda: unexpected_intr: status=0x41 { DriveStatusError }

A few weeks ago I started getting this error. At first it only appeared 
intermittently, but over a period of a few days things became worse, with 
serious corruptions of the file system. There was a point reached where the 
hard disk was totally unusable and had to be replaced. Initially only a few 
bad blocks were reported when running badblock, but a point was reached where 
something like 50% of the blocks were bad and then the system just refused to 
boot. A new hard disk fixed all of the problems.

In response to a question I posted on this new group, others reported that 
this error is shown on their systems during boot up with no ill-effects. It 
seems that this error is most likely to be reported during system start-up. 
Some times just pressing the reset button and allowing the system to reboot 
seems to make the problem go away for a while.

If you have another hard disk available I would try using it.

Regrds ...

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