With regard to mounting cdrom filesystems, I believe there is something
called "amd" that can automate this so that you do not have to type
"mount..." each time. Maybe someone has the details??

"Markus M. Schneider" wrote:
> Larry Shields WD9ESU wrote:
> > If I boot right from the linux floppy disk, when it gets to the point of
> > mounting my CD-ROM drive I get this:
> >
> > MCD=0X360,11: init Failed. No mcd device at 0x360 irq 11
> >
> > But if I let the system boot up using MSDOS, it then loads everything
> > encluding my cd-rom drive, then once I get the msdos prompt, I insert the
> > Bootable linux
> > disk into the floppy drive, and do a soft reboot CTRL-ALT-DEL and then it
> > boots up using the Linux floppy...
> >
> > When it gets to the point of loading of the cd-rom drive it then loads in
> > and shows this:
> >
> > MCD=0X360,11: Mitsumi Status type and version: 10 D 2 Double Speed CD ROM
> >
> > Does this mean that when I am asked when installing Debian Modules select
> > Category for cdrom driversthat when it shows the different types like sony,
> > etc, and mcd or MCDX, that it is looking for mcd=0x360,11 10 D 2....???
> The program for installing modules which is used during installation of
> Debian is /usr/sbin/modconf. You can start it as root whenever You want.
> If You select mcd or mcdx You are asked if you want to supply some
> options. There You can try to add 0x360,11. I would suggest to use mcdx.
> Using mcdx instead of mcd I don't have to add any options.
> > Also I would like someone to show me the correct way of editing my FSTAB
> > file using the /dev/mcd since I have tried three different ways and have had
> > no luck in doing so...
> Try to put a line like
> /dev/mcdx  /cdrom  iso9660  ro,user
> in your /etc/fstab. "user" means that every user can (un)mount the CD.
> Hope this will be of same help. (I am using a machine with this
> Mitsumi-Drive very seldom. Therfore I'm not sure.)
> Markus.
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