> I'm trying to use fig2dev to convert fig format images into gifs, but I
> keep getting empty gif files.

Your right! It's actually the transfig package as a whole which appears to 
have no support for the generation of gif.

If you look at the source code you will find there is support for reading 
gifs, but none for generating them. gif is a proprietry non-free format. You 
have to pay a license fee if you want to distribute applications which 
generate gifs. You can however distribute code which reads gifs for free.

The alternatives are to use png or jpeg formats.

I can't remember all the details, but all of this is due to some rather famous 
legal moves initiated a few years ago by a large US corporation. The PNG 
format was developed as a direct response. By not using gifs you are 
indirectly promoting the use of open standards/protocols/formats.

Some others may have a clearer recollection of the details.

Regards ...

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