A block device is generally a physical storage device, such as a hard drive of
CD-ROM drive.  Assuming your system is based on IDE storage, your CD drive will 
/dev/hdX where X=the IDE device number.  The naming convention is simple once 
you get
the hang of it:  Primary Master=hda; Primary Slave=hdb; Secondary Master=hdc; 

Joe wrote:

> I am trying to install Official Debian 2.0 in my 48ram, 166meg, P.B.
> system. I get to (A)ccess, It asks me for "Where to install from" with
> chooses of CD, Floppy, Ect. When I choose CD-ROM, I go into a screen
> that asks for CD, and block device. I don't know what a block device is,
> or what my CD-ROM drive is. Any help?
> --
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