On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 09:15:53AM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

> > in wdm: kdm remembers your last session, when you type your username it
> > switches the menue to the last used session, so that you don't have to
> > click every time you login (if you prefere non-default one). Of course, it
> > is not importain for a single user.
> I agree, that feature is VERY nice.  I wish I could figure out how it does
> it, 'cause I'd love it if I could fix wdm to work the same way.

I guess I could hack this in.

kdm is kinda RH-centric.  RH uses ~/.wm_style to pick up the window manager
used.  kdm writes `fvwm' to this file when you select `fvwm' on the panel. 
`last login' actually means "don't write anything to ~/.wm_style -- use
whatever is already there" -- so much for remembering the last thing used!

I think I could use another script arround /etc/X11/Xsession that reads
~/.wdm_style and passes whatever is there to /etc/X11/Xsession as the first
argument (this is how wdm tells Xsession which wm to use)

But that's not high on my TODO list, if someone is really interested, please
file a wishlist bug against wdm.


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