On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 10:16:17PM -0700, Marshall Savage wrote:
> Filtering gets the email messages from the listserver into 
> the correct separate email box.  However it does nothing 
> for the overwhelming volumn problem which threading would 
> considerably help.  Both web based discussion managers & 
> news reader programs handle treading well.  For a group of 
> this volume you would need a good discussion server & at 
> least one public server that I know of just isn't up to the 
> job.  It's to busy for good service.  I wonder why this 
> listserver group hasn't long ago gone to a news/news server 
> format for the much better accessibility of the threaded 
> news readers.  It doesn't have to be part of the public 
> news system with it's well known loss of messages, 
> advertisements, & harvesting of email addresses for future 
> spam.  If Debian can set up & run the fancy listserver as 
> they have they could just as well instead run a private or 
> semi-private news server that only has Debian 
> news/discussion on it.  There are a reasonable number of 
> such already on the net.  The existing searchable email 
> archive could be just as good or better as a news 
> archive.
> At 3/10/99 08:56 AM , you wrote:
> From: Nuno Donato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I agree with you, threading is a must for the debian-*
groups. I use mutt to read my mail, and it threads email.
GNUs also does this. If worst comes to worst, and you
_MUST_ use a news reader to read debian-user, use mail2news
with a filtering program (exim or procmail) and run your
own news server. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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