On Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 07:16:32PM +0000, Holger Mense wrote:
> Hello...
> I am searching for a debian package of gcc 2.8.x . In an old mail of this
> list I found a statement, that such a package should be somewhere in
> projects/experimental... but I only find a deb package for gcc 2.9.x
> (gcc_2.91.63-1.1.deb) in the potato directory.
> Can someone help?
>  CU, Holger
> -- 
> Holger Mense
> -- 
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That gcc package is for egcs, a compiler which some believe is superior to GCC 
it is more actively developed. Right now, Debian uses egcs for its C++ compiler 
g++ filename.cc uses egcs to compile it). I believe that one of the goals of 
Debian 2.1
is to offer egcs as a c compiler as well.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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