Subject: Floppy Drive Problem.
        Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 09:23:24AM -0500

In reply to:Person, Roderick

Quoting Person, Roderick([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hey guys,
> The first question of the day for me has to due with Debian and Floppy
> drives. When I first installed debian, I had no problems with floppy drives,
> and in the quest for the perfect Deb Box something when wrong, I guess. 
> It seems that I can format ext2 fs on floppy. At first I thougth my FD was
> just dying, so I replaced it. Now when I make a ext2 disk it won't mount and
> info to it is not copied to it. Now, I can read DOS, ext2 floppys that I
> already have but once I write to them, I can no longer read them. I have
> tried changing fstab fd0 entry from auto to ext2 to msdos, but it all the
> same. Anyone have a clue on this one.
> Roderick P. Person
> ?
> 454-2616

As I see no one has answered I'll give it a shot.

To use a floppy it first has to be formated.  superformat /dev/fd0 hd.
That low level formats the disk. Then you have to put a file system on
the disk  So mkfs -t ext2 /dev/fd0 will do that.  To copy to the
floppy it must first be mounted, so mount /dev/fd0 -t ext2 /mnt.  Then 
a cp xyx /mnt will copy file xyz to the disk. 

You could put a line in /etc/fstab to speed up the process.  I will
leave that for you to research.

See man page mkfs for other options to mkfs.

Are these the steps you used?

The day-to-day travails of the IBM programmer are so amusing to most of
us who are fortunate enough never to have been one -- like watching
Charlie Chaplin trying to cook a shoe.

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