Subject: lilo
        Date: Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 06:51:33PM +1100

In reply to:Shao Zhang

Quoting Shao Zhang([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi,
>     I have got a 4.3GB harddisk, and due to that, lilo cannot see my
> kernel which is stored outside 1024 cylinders.
> The following is my configuration file, but I still cannot get it
> working. AmI missing anything below? Thx.
> install=/boot/boot.b
> map=/boot/map
> vga=normal
> disk=/dev/hda
>         bios = 0x80
>         sectors = 63
>         heads = 16
>         cylinders = 8400
> root=/dev/hda1
> boot=/dev/hda1
> image=/vmlinuz
>         append="hd=8400,16,63"
>         label=Linux
>         read-only
> I also tried the linear option. But it does not work
> Thx.

# Start LILO global section
boot = /dev/hda             # Device containing boot sector
compact                     # faster, but won't work on all systems.
prompt                      # Force boot prompt
map = /boot/map             # Default   = /boot/map
Default = Slink2.2.3        # Default   = /boot/boot.<number>
Timeout = 250               # Wait <val>/10 sec. after prompt then
boot default                            # End LILO global section
# Start LILO global section

boot = /dev/hda             # Device containing boot sector

compact                     # faster, but won't work on all systems.
prompt                      # Force boot prompt
map = /boot/map             # Default   = /boot/map
Default = Slink2.2.3        # Default   = /boot/boot.<number>
Timeout = 250               # Wait <val>/10 sec. after prompt then
boot default
# End LILO global section

Image    = /boot/Slink-2.2.3
  label  = Slink2.2.3
  Root   = /dev/hdb2
  VGA    = 0xb
  append  = "lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none"

I think your boot = has to be changed, but I am not a lilo expert!


A Law of Computer Programming:
  Make it possible for programmers to write in English and you
  will find the programmers cannot write in English.
  • lilo Shao Zhang
    • Wayne Topa

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