Hi All

I just updated from 2.0 to 2.1. Everything went smoothly except for the
sendmail installation. Sendmail found my existing install and asked me
whether I wanted to keep it or not, I said keep. Unfortunately there seem to
be a few side effects with this.

1) sendmail.cf has been moved from /etc to /etc/mail, but the script
/etc/init.d/sendmail checks for the existence if the /etc/sendmail.cf
command before it executes anything.

2) I found that submitting mail from the Linux box worked but submitting it
from a workstation did not, giving an error about "relaying". The only way I
could get round this was to add domain names for all my clients into the
/etc/mail/relay-domains file. This seems to work, but it is a real drag.
Thank God I did the upgrade over the weekend.

Are there any better ways to address these problems? Am I the only one to
have seen these problems?


| Simon Martin      | "By definition, all software is faulty. |
| Project Manager   |  It is just a mere coincidence if it    |
| Isys              |  ever seems to work" ;-)                |

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