You will need to configure things by running faxsetup and
faxaddmodem--follow the prompts.

I couldn't get efax to work with my modem.  hylafax works quite well for
both sending and receiving faxes.  tkhylafax is nice also--you can fill
out the cover page with it.  I looked at some tools to design cover pages
(from the hylafax ftp site) but haven't tried them yet.


On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

> Anybody experienced with hylafax.  I installed hylafax-server,
> hylafax-client, and tkhylafax.
> What do I need to do to be able to send and receive faxes?
> I will be using this computer for ppp and fax (but not at the same time,
> unless there is a tcp/ip fax thingy).
> NatePuri
> Certified Law Student
> & Debian GNU/Linux Monk
> McGeorge School of Law
> -- 
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