Thanks for the advice.  I used the ljet4l filter and it seemed to have
done the trick.  I guess I will have to wait for the filter for the 1100
filter to get release at a later date to have it be more specific for my
exact printer.  I wish I knew what I was doing so I can write one myself
and contribute it to debian development.  Well, after about 3 weeks of
hard work and maybe 40 to 50 install of Linux (I kept switching back and
forth between Debian and Red Hat) I think I have finally gotten the hang
of things.  Thanks to everyone on the group that have answered all of my
questions.  Oh, and I definitely think Debian is a great Distros because
of the flexibility that it presents (lots of packages).  Config are
simple once you figure it out.  


Bob Nielsen wrote:
> The Laserjet 1100 is a very new printer and there is no driver written
> especially for it.  The ljet4 or ljet4l filters are probably the closest.
> There is a site listing ghostscript drivers for various printers
> <>, but this does not yet
> mention the LJ 1100.
> Bob
> On Sat, 20 Mar 1999, Shawn Nguyen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >         I am trying to set up my printer on Debian, I've got Hamm.  I've
> > tried to used the
> > Magicfilter package and got the printer to print.  But it seems to be
> > cutting off some of the text at the top and bottom and also the printer
> > will not automatically feed paper, I have to press the button in front
> > to get it to start printing.  I am sure this has got something to do
> > with the fact that I am using an incorrect filter for the magicfilter
> > package.  I have a HP Laserjet 1100, has anyone have any luck setting
> > this printer up?  If anyone knows what printer to use, etc. in
> > magicfilter I would appreciate any hint.  Thanks for any advice.
> >
> > Shawn
> >
> >
> > --
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> ----
> Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> DM42nh            

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