
  I'm upgrading from Hamm to Slink, I didn' reboot yet but everything
seems OK
except for a few minor (?) problems:

  - I started upgrading with dselect/ftp then I downloaded apt and am
actually using it. the problem is that I have a few packages left in
"/var/cache/apt/archives", though I'm (almost) sure they're already
installed. that makes my disk space full and I can't install anything
Is it save to use dpkg --remove? Or what is going on?

  - I have a custom 2.0.36 kernel supporting aic7xxx, is it safe to
replace it
with the standard new one?

  - dselect is unable to configure jadetex because of TeX complaining
a "\&" unknown command when trying to compile the format file.

  - I've got my old kernel (costum 2.0.36) on a floppy, could it still
rescue me if 
ever I have troubles rebooting?

  Thanks for your help,



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