Hi everybody,

another newbie question. 

Upon installing the rxvt package, I noticed that it is very nice at
serving my needs. It even does things better than xterm in respect to the
del/backspace problem.

The problem is, it seems my keypad doesn't work in rxvt. I can use the
keypad in other X programs, but in rxvt i just get "beeps". Do I need to
change the resources for rxvt? I didn't find a default resources file, so
I have nothing to go for. 

I also checked /usr/doc/rxvt but no luck there.


-- nico

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--------------------------------------------------
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-----------------
  ::                                               ::
--:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Linux - Free power for the masses ::::::: 

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