Subject: Need printer help
        Date: Sat, Mar 27, 1999 at 01:41:41AM -0500

In reply to:Robbie Huffman

Quoting Robbie Huffman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm hoping someone out here can help me discover why my printer won't print.
> Until not very long ago, I was using a Slackware system, and sending my
> infrequent print jobs by hand using "gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=laserjet 
> -sOutputFile=/dev/lp1". Now that I've switched to Debian, I can't get that 
> much to
> work anymore. A good "tunelp /dev/lp1 -r" gets some response from the printer
> (in the form of some printhead movement), but nothing else will. Using gs
> sometimes causes the "busy" light to come on, but it quickly blinks out again.
> The Printing-HOWTO doesn't have any debugging hints. I'm lost. And my only
> guess is that the Debian setup for lpt1 is somehow different. Any pointers?
> Thanks,
> Robbie Huffman

do You have a /etc/printcap file?  I seem to reall that Slack makes
that for you.  If not, get the magicfilter package.  Run
magicfilterconfig and answer a few questions.  Your printer will then
talk to you, again.


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