I have some more information.  I tried installing again.  the same thing 
Everything unpacks ok until it reaches emacs20  this is what it says:
Unpacking emacs20
dpkg: error processing ./emacs20.20.3-7.deb ( --install): error writing to the
'usr/share/emacs/20.3/leim/skk/skkdid.elc': No space left on device.
dpkg-deb. subprocess paste killed by signal (broken pipe)

Then several other programs are broken and then the error ends with:
unable to flush /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.; after padding: no space left on 
dpkg: failed to write status record about 'libdnd1' to '/var/lib/dpkg/status': 
space left on device.
Installation OK.  Hit Return.

What does all this mean?  When I try to go back into dselect and select 
"select" I get
the error:
dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dokg/updates/0039' near line 1:
newline in field name '#padding'

So dselect is unusable.

ktb wrote:

> I just installed Slink over Hamm.  In other words I used the official cd
> and created new partions.  The base installed fine.  I got to the point
> where you can pick which packages and  profiles to install on your
> system.  I chose the "Custom" option.  When I got to the custom section
> I couldn't select any of the options such as "Administrative" (something
> like that).  I could move the cursor up and down but when I hit return
> nothing was selected.  This part seemed to be broken.  I backed out of
> that and selected "Dial-up" In the access method of dselect I chose to
> install from cdrom set.  Hit update, hit install, dselect began
> unpacking the programs then a message flashed by that said something
> about a dpkg broken pipe.  Then tons of error messages I couldn't
> catch.  Then I was put in the position in dselect to configure the
> packages.  I selected that and got the following error,
> running --pending --configure...
> dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dokg/updates/0039' near line 1:
> newline in field name '#padding'
> dpkg --configure returned error
>             exit status 2.
> I was never asked to put the second cd in which surprised me.  I thought
> Slink was a two cd installation.  Hamm was my first Linux instillation.
> Worked the first time.  I guess I just got lucky.  I reinstalled Slink
> three times and still get the errors I described.  What is going on with
> this?
> Thanks,
> Kent
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