Arfan Tinawi wrote:
> Hi:
> I am fed-up with MS and its products and OS.  I've looked to see how to
> get Linux.  Unfortunately, I am not familiar at all with files,
> extensions, what how to download and zip, unzip.  Can someone tell how
> does this work?  If I need to install a windows based package, I know
> that there are executable files.  With Linux, I don't know all of this.
> I read pages and pages as to how to pre-install.... But no one said what
> is the file to download and how to unzip if zipped.  I appreciate your
> assistance.
> Arfan

        For folks with prior Unix experience, Linux is not difficult to
get started with.  For those like you and I, with only DOS/Win as
a background, Linux can be a very painful learning process.
        I strongly suggest you start with a few books about Linux (books
on general Unix can be very helpful too).  I started with two
books:  Using Unix and Using Linux.  They were a real help.  Your
first crack at installing Linux should be done with a CD-ROM
installation, because installing/upgrading via the net is
literally fraught with potential problems.  You could easily end
up frustrated.  A CD of Linux is available from several sources
fairly cheaply (You can get Debian on a CD from
for just a few bucks plus shipping).  Debian specific help can be
had from "";.

Ed C.

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