The problem is that there has been a lot of talk about new standards, putting
it in rc.boot, creating a jungle of sym links etc. Take a look at this thread!

On 28-Mar-99 Marek Habersack wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:
>> This is the sad truth. If this simple task shall continue to be complicated,
>> vendors will create packages for their "distribution of fancy". My problen
>> is that this is already the case with some vendors. I never thought when I
>> switched to Linux a couple of months ago I would have problems like this
>> one....I thought I would struggle with modems and incomaptible hardware, but
>> no, I have problems loading stuff at boot..
> I still don't see where do you see the problem? Wanna start something at
> boot?
> Put the startup script in /etc/init.d.... What can be simpler? You even have
> a
> template which requires a three-line modification...
> marek
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Christian Dysthe
Date: 28-Mar-99
Time: 13:58:39
UIN: 33573035
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