I think the best way is to get a 'line in use indicator' box that plugs
into the phone line.  A little diode lights up when the line is in use. 
There are also devices that you can plug into the phone jack of each
phone on the line that shut that jack off if any other jack is in use,
great for modem use.  In the States these can be found at most
electronic/phone stores for about US$5-$15.

Just a thought,


*- On  1 Apr, Mark Phillips wrote about "Script to check whether modem 
telephone line in use --- how?"
> This morning I typed "pon" to dial up a ppp connection, only to hear
> noise on my modem to idicate that the line was already in use.  I
> quickly typed "poff", but it was too late --- I had already killed my
> father's connection to the internet.  He was not pleased as I had
> killed his connection near the end of an 8M download.
> Anyway, I don't want this to happen again, so I would like, if
> possible, to write a script which does nothing except listen to the
> modem line for a few seconds so that I can hear whether someone else
> is using it.  I have some idea about how such a script would go, but
> would appreciate some input.  Here is what I propose:
> #!/bin/bash
> echo atm2 > /dev/ttyS1
> echo ato0 > /dev/ttyS1
> pause 2
> echo +++ > /dev/ttyS1
> pause 2
> echo atm1 > /dev/ttyS1
> I'd appreciate any comments about whether this is the best way to go
> about this problem.
> Thanks,
> Mark.
> _/~~~~~~~~\___/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________
> ____/~~\_____/~~\__/~~\__________________________Mark_Phillips____________
> ____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ____/~~\HE___/~~\__/~~\APTAIN_____________________________________________
> ____/~~\______/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________________________________
>         "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

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