Daniel Mashao hat gesagt: // Daniel Mashao wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> >     I know about PW (Pathetic Writer which is part of SIAG) and
> > AbiWord (a GTK project), but I'm curious to know if there are any
> > other WP projects in existence out there, especially if one of the
> > goals is being able to read and write MS Word files.
> StarOffice is the closest you will get to MS look and feel. And then there
> is another editir that can read MS RTF format perfectly, I forgot its name
> now.

This might be ted, that wants to be a kind of Wordpad/Write for XWin.
Debian package is in potato. 

I tried it but I hated it and I deinstalled it. It reads RTF really good,
though, but I did not found an "Undo" function. Maybe its hidden somewhere,
I didn't search for long. An editor without Undo is rubbish.
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