Christopher Swingley writes:
> So, to answer your question, the way I stop the crap from running is
> to either uninstall the package, or simply change the name of each link
> so that it starts with DISABLE instead of K or S.

You're doing this the hard way.  man update-rc.d.

> To start a new service, or do something that you would have done in
> rc.local in RedHat, write a script that knows about start and stop, put
> it into /etc/init.d,...

Copy /etc/init.d/skeleton and edit it.  That's what it's there for.

> ...and then link it with a K or and S in all the rc directories.  You can
> decide where your script will run by choosing the number appropriately.

Again, man update-rc.d.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
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