Subject: Console Screen Saver
        Date: Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 11:33:26AM -0500

In reply to:Chris Brown

Quoting Chris Brown([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> We would like to completely and fully disable the screen saver for 
> the console. 

setterm - set terminal attributes
setterm [ -blank [ 0-60 ] ]

> We know the command use at the command line and it works, but..... 
What command are you using?

but what???
> .... we would like to have the system comeup without the screen 
> saver, so if it stops somewhere in boot or a the login prompt the 
> screen doesnt turn off. The earlier in the boot process the better, a 
> kernel option perhaps?

so put the setterm command into /etc/init.d/local.rc 
> We've tried placing the command line function is various scripts 
> associated with bootup and run levels but it doesn't seem to work. 
> Its almost as thought maybe something is coming after our disable to 
> re-enable it.

Read the man page for update-rc.d

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