Just to add my two cents, I had a Linux box up and running for 457 days
lately. Didn't show any alarming symptom. And no, it didn't crash then.
I just rebooted it myself.

> > > Isn't there something similar in Linux? Except the limit is a bit over a
> > > year?

> > A bit more than that.  The date rolls over in 2038 on 32 bit unices.

> Wrong limit.  There's a counter in some MS-written systems (which includes
> OS/2, as I recall) that counts milliseconds since the computer booted.
> Since it's a 32-bit counter, it rolls over in about 49 days.  Nasty things
> can (but don't necessarily) happen when it rolls over.  ISTR that there is
> a similar counter in Linux that rolls over in about 400 days, but I've
> been having trouble remembering things lately.

Cheers. Bye.

Ph. A.

   /* Scitex Europe, S.A.      | Philippe Andersson                   */
   /* Dreve Richelle, 161, E-F,| PC & Network Specialist              */
   /* 1410 WATERLOO            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    */
   /* BELGIUM                  | +32-2-352.25.93 Fax: +32-2-352.25.84 */

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